1. Is there a fee associated with booking an appointment?

Yes, all payments are taken when booking your appointment.

If you need to reschedule/cancel your appointment, you may do so at no charge as long as you reach out to us at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. If you request to reschedule/cancel your appointment with less than 24 hours notice a $20 fee will be taken.

If you are a no-show to your scheduled appointment and do not contact us prior to your allotted time, you will be subject to a 50% fee.

2. Can appointments be scheduled in person?

Appointments can be conveniently arranged through in-person visits, our website's Appointments page, or by calling us at +1 (929)-681-6400 during office hours.

3. Is it possible to make in-person product purchases?

Our products are available for in-person purchase at our office. Additionally, they can be conveniently ordered online through our dedicated Shop page.

4. Do you offer any discounts or loyalty programs for regular clients?

We periodically provide exclusive discounts to our email newsletter subscribers and offer special pricing for bulk orders of our products. For more details regarding bulk ordering, please feel free to contact us via phone or email; our team will be happy to assist you.

5. Do you accommodate clients without appointments?

Customers who have not yet made an appointment can walk in for services provided that the time slot in question does not already have five people scheduled on our appointment calendar.

6. What is the best way to contact you?

For prompt and efficient communication, we recommend reaching out to us via phone at +1 (929)-681-6400 during office hours or emailing us at info@thenaturalwayspa.com. Also, if you have any inquiries, please visit our office in person during office hours.

7. Where can I purchase a package?

Packages can be purchased both online and in person at our spa. Online, you can find our packages at the bottom of our Appointments Page.

8. What does a package at The Natural Way Spa include?

  • Each package offers a combination of services aimed at meeting specific skincare and body care needs.

  • Depending on the package you choose, this can include facials, peels, body treatments, and more.

  • All packages also come with the benefit of one free product of your choice, which can be redeemed in person with proof of package purchase.

9. How do I schedule the appointments included in my package?

  • Appointments for services included in your package must be scheduled online using the unique code provided at the time of purchase.

  • This code is crucial for booking your treatments and must be entered at checkout on our online booking platform.

  • We recommend scheduling your appointments well in advance to ensure availability.

10. Do you offer any gift cards?

Yes, we offer two types of gift cards tailored to meet different needs. Both options can be conveniently emailed directly to the recipient's email address.

  • Product Gift Card: Available for purchase on the Shop page, this gift card can be exclusively used to buy products featured there. It's perfect for those who wish to treat themselves or others to our high-quality, natural skincare products.

  • Appointment Gift Card: Available for purchase on the Appointments page, this gift card is redeemable for any of our services. It is ideal for booking facials, peels, and other spa treatments and ensures a delightful and relaxing experience.

Please choose the gift card that best suits the preferences of the person you're gifting to.